2023’s Best-Selling BMW M Car Was the i4 M50 EV

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By Car Brand Experts

Article: The Rise of the Electric: 2023’s Best-Selling BMW M Car Was the i4 M50 EV


In a surprising turn of events in the automotive world, the best-selling BMW M car of 2023 was revealed to be the electric i4 M50, an impressive feat considering the dominance traditionally held by iconic internal combustion engine models.

The i4 M50’s Triumph

The i4 M50 has defied expectations by outselling renowned M models like the M3 and M2, showcasing a clear shift in consumer preferences towards electric vehicles over traditional performance cars.

Analyzing the Sales Figures

Despite the success of the i4 M50, BMW’s approach to including M Performance cars in their sales metrics has stirred some controversy, blurring the lines between true M cars and enhanced regular BMWs.

The i4 M50: Not Your Typical M Car

While some purists may question its M car status, the i4 M50 remains a compelling choice for those seeking a blend of speed, enjoyment, and practicality in their daily drives, even with its modest electric range.

Embracing the Electric Future

The rise of the i4 M50 signals a positive shift towards embracing electric mobility within BMW’s M Division, paving the way for future electrified M models that are sure to impress even the staunchest critics.


Despite initial skepticism, the i4 M50’s success underscores the changing landscape of performance cars, encouraging a more sustainable and innovative approach within the realm of BMW’s iconic M lineup.


1. Is the i4 M50 a true M car?

While the i4 M50 falls under BMW’s M Performance category and not the traditional M car segment, it offers a compelling mix of performance and electric prowess that has resonated well with buyers.

2. How does the i4 M50 compare to its gasoline-powered M counterparts?

While lacking the raw precision of traditional M cars, the i4 M50 impresses with its speed, driving dynamics, and everyday comfort, making it a viable choice for those looking to experience the future of performance motoring.

3. What does the success of the i4 M50 mean for BMW’s M Division?

The i4 M50’s popularity signifies a growing acceptance of electric vehicles within the performance car segment, foreshadowing a promising electric future for BMW’s legendary M Division.

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