Owners of the beloved Mazda Miata are known for their deep passion towards their vehicles. Soon, the renowned Japanese automaker will begin accepting applications from first-generation Miata—or Eunos Roadster—owners in Japan for restoration services. Initially, this program will be exclusive to Japan, but there are hopes that it will extend to North America if it proves successful.
Typically, manufacturer restoration services are associated with high-end brands such as Ferrari and Mercedes-Benz. Thus, it is particularly noteworthy that Mazda, a smaller brand recognized for its volume production, is offering this service. This move underscores Mazda’s commitment to the MX-5 and its dedication to catering to its dedicated fan base.
Beyond restoration services, Mazda is collaborating with original parts suppliers to provide new components manufactured to their original specifications. Initially, they’ll be supplying the original Bridgestone SF-325 tires, soft tops, and Nardi steering wheels and shift knobs.
Although this service is currently limited to Japan, it is great news for Miata lovers around the globe. This initiative reflects Mazda’s understanding of the affection drivers have for their Miatas and their desire to keep these cars on the road for many years to come. Soon, achieving a showroom-quality NA Miata will be more feasible than it has been over the last two decades.
However, a little note for Mazda: while this service is commendable, it would have been appreciated if it had been available a couple of months earlier.