Each year, it seems that classic car salvage yards are becoming increasingly scarce. Many either shut down and liquidate their assets or their vehicles decay beyond the point of salvage. However, a significant repository of vintage American vehicles remains in Arizona. Just how extensive is it? The yard boasts more than 10,000 cars, many of which are still in a condition suitable for restoration.
Recently, YouTube user Remote Trooper explored this collection, sharing aerial and ground footage from Desert Valley Auto Parts. Established in 1993, this family-owned operation has consistently added to its inventory, primarily focusing on American vehicles manufactured in 1964 and earlier. The assortment is so vast that the company’s website notes that the entire inventory has not been completely cataloged or organized, a task complicated by the inclusion of numerous long-defunct brands, including DeSoto.
Despite the seemingly chaotic arrangement of rows, Remote Trooper discovers that the cars are largely organized by make. The video barely scratches the surface of the General Motors section before the heat forces the host back to his vehicle before noon—extending the trip could have led to some classic dashboard temperatures. While the harsh conditions may be tough on living things, they provide an unexpectedly hospitable environment for the cars themselves.
The yard contains numerous complete vehicles ready for restoration along with several others that could be salvaged given enough effort and spare parts. Although the relentless Arizona sun may strip away paint and clear coats, the region’s dry climate helps prevent rust, leading to generally good condition of the sheet metal. Visitors, however, may want to be cautious of any desert critters nesting in the vehicles’ nooks and crannies.
It appears that the yard no longer handles restorations. In fact, this location was featured in the 2011 Discovery series, Desert Car Kings, which lasted just one season. Yet, no scripted reality show can rival the fascinations of exploring the extensive selection at DVAP’s inventory, which is available online. A visit to the site could easily turn into hours of enjoyable wandering among American classics, and you might stumble upon a car that catches your fancy—perhaps that Nash Metropolitan will pique your interest.